Traveling with Diabetes
Traveling with Diabetes
The following special precautions should be made by the person with diabetes while traveling
Discuss travel plans with the health care team. This may require changing the timing and amount of insulin doses. Meal times and blood testing may also change.
Check with airlines for any special requirements before traveling.
Insulin Protection
Keep all insulin in hand-carried bags to avoid temperature changes; divide insulin and other diabetes supplies between at least two different bags in case one is lost; get an insulin carrying case, or pack between layers of clothing; refrigerate upon arrival; insulin can be stored in a cold thermos.
Insulin Prescriptions
Bring prescriptions for insulin, syringes, and a glucagon emergency kit, plus a letter describing the medical condition. Include prescriptions for any other medicines that might be needed.
Pack extra insulin or oral agents. These should be packed as the particular medicine may not be available in other countries.
Find out where and how to obtain medical care. Traveling companions need to know how to help in an emergency.
Carry an “I Have Diabetes” card in local language(s) of countries visited. Know appropriate phrases to use in emergencies.
Test blood sugar levels often to judge how the new routine is affecting diabetes control.
Carry glucose tablets and other appropriate snack food.
Drink plenty of water, particularly in hot climates. Check ahead on availability of bottled water where needed.